Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Obstacle Racing 101

The generation of obstacle races has been born.  Running an endurance race while participating in a physically challenging obstacles. I am a huge fan of obstacle races. Anything that stirs the soul to push your physical limits with a smile, is a gift from god.  

3 Must have components of a great Obstacle Race                                                               
1. Fun Entertainment;   Entertainment ranges from slip and slides, to mud, paint, foam, electric shockers and costumes. The more variety and quality of entertainment, the more viral the photos and demand for future races. 

2.    Challenging obstacles; Obstacles must be challenging yet attainable. Most obstacles include wall climbs, water plunges, mud crawls, log or sand bag carry, rope ladder, rope bridge and small swims. If you choose to go around the obstacle, you can do so by doing burpies, jumping jacks or some small additional distance. The best obstacles are the ones that you would encounter on a hike or in normal everyday life. These obstacles will make you better fit for life.

3.    Endurance component; Endurance components can range from a 5k to a full marathon. The endurance is broken up by entertainment and obstacles. The endurance component will vary based on location. Locations are from everywhere such as mountain side to city streets. 

Dirty Dash takes the Cake! 3 Reasons why the Dirty Dash is the Race for you!
  1. Location, location, location: A race is not only about the finish line but about the joy in the journey. What better way to enjoy the beautiful landscape of Midway Utah. The hills of Midway are an amazing background for your physical feat to take place. A great location makes a more enjoyable race. 
  2. Timing is everything; Utah's best temperatures for an endurance race is when it is not too hot and not too cold. Early summer and early fall are the only times warm enough when you can run your race without getting severely sun burned or dehydrated. The Dirty Dash has been strategically planned to take place when the temperatures are best, early June and mid September.
  3. Attitude and Focus: When visiting websites or locations of obstacle races, you can quickly see and feel the general attitude of the organizers and promoters. The Dirty Dash is about safe, challenging fun. The entertainment is about building you up and not tearing you down. There are various intensity levels available so you can bring your whole family. Promoters encourage and give back to local communities where they race, and the organizers do what they can to keep the price right. Please join us as we prepare and experience the Fall 2012 Dirty Dash. 

Please email me your thoughts on obstacle racing. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Club Upgrade

FitForeverMay 2012
Newsletter - Gym Header Image
Quick Links
Teen Athlete Camp
More Explosive
More Confident

Own your Future!Choose FitForever!
Dates: June 5th - June 30th
Our Price: $299

Dear Jared,
It has been nearly one year from the time we started to lease the down stairs, rebuild the upstairs, add new equipment, new information systems and adapt our philosophy and ability to serve. 
Equipment and Facility Development:
We would like to personally thank you. A percentage of each training  session goes into maintaining and purchasing new equipment .  What our development brought us, was not to a specific place but platform of fitness. With this platform we can now offer multiple forms of resistance in the same area. This is something that you will never find in a comercial gym and only see in the very best training facilities. Multiple forms of resistance allows us to create incredible High Intensity Interval Circuits, efficiently High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) relies on efficient intense circuits. I first observed effective HIIT training while working with navy seals coaches and NFL coaches in southern California. These circuits are not only for navy seals and professional athletes but for anyone who wants to develop true functional and cardio vascular fitness. 
Philosophy and Focus:
Philosophy and Focus: 
As we improve in calorie burning,  strengthening and  cardio vascular training, we have also improved our direction and passion for flexibility and stretching. Trainers now have the equipment, space and know how to add yoga and pilates moves in-between circuits, during warm ups and after your training session. We have be known for calorie burining and strengthening. Now flexibility, stabilization and circulation add to the healing art and overall health that we can confidently offer. 
Information Systems: 
Our information support system has been born. We revamped our website, facebook page and started a blog.  In addition, we now have an email service and CRM service to help us provide professional and regular service. We will constistantly look for more ways to provide information that helps serve you better.  
 Multipul Forms of Resistance.
In the exercise industry we refer to resistance as a force that we use against a muscle to make it stronger. Resistance comes in many forms, however they typically stay separated. The main forms of resistance that FitForever uses includes;
  1. Body Weight 
  2. Suspensen Tension 
  3. High Intensity Cardio 
  4. Dumbells 
  5. Super Bands
  6. Kettle Bells
  7. Ezcurl Bar Bells
  8. Selectorized Equipment
  9. Pilaties
  10. Soft Balls
  11. Cardio
  12. Cable Weights
  13. Bar bells 
  14. Smith Press
  15. Medicine Balls
Where ever you are at in FitForever, you will have 4-6 forms of resistance with in arms length. This convenient versatility decreases the total time in-between exercises and adds thousands of options for muscle confusion. By decreasing time between exercise and adding muscle confusion, you will increase the total calorie burning, strengthening and heart rate effect that you can receive from exercise. Your exercise is more effective! Your time is precious. 
Club Development Summary:
FitForever is excited to bring to the Holladay area, training developed for athletes and the elite military of our world. In addition to all the improvements, our new platform will allow us to serve teams and groups more effectively. Our goal is to offer more quality, flexibility and options to your training services.

We love you and are excited about your health.
Live Long, Be Strong, Smile Forever. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Loose Fat Forever

Loose Your Fat Forever!
The fastest path to the leanest and sexiest you, EVER!
The secrete difference that separates the amatures from the pros.

I have one of the biggest secrets that fitness pro’s practice and your average Joe never knows. Professional athletes and fitness pro’s have known the secret and have been practicing it for years with lots of scientific data and results to prove. The secret is phase work.  

Purpose of Phase Work:
·      Reaching lowest levels of body fat physically possible
·      Preventing Injury
·      Decreasing Wear and Tear
·      Reaching highest levels of physical performance
·      Reaching highest levels of strength

Professional athletes exercise differently throughout the year. This difference in exercise program comes with a nutrition plan.  Phase work is combining the right nutrition plan with the right exercise plan. Let me repeat that; phase work is combining the right nutrition plan with the right exercise plan.   Effectively executing phase work is knowing how long and how intense each phase should be. There can be many different phases but for simplicity we will focus on the main two phases.

1.    Cutting Phase
2.    Building Phase

Cutting phase is the valuable phase. This is where you experience weight loss on the scale. During the cutting phase you are looking to have your muscles and your metabolism eat your fat. The ability of your body to eat fat depends on your muscle. Your muscle mass determines your metabolism. When you start the cutting phase, this is where you start looking for body efficiency. Exercise during the cutting phase is focused on a maximum calorie burn.  Maximum calorie burn means total body exercises with high amounts of cardio work.  Nutrition plan during a cutting phase is minimal calories typically accompanied by a weight loss trick. Just to name a few weight loss tricks:
  •  High fiber
  • High Citrus
  •  High Protein

While the cutting phase is great for weight loss, it is not so great for your bodies ability to burn calories. Your metabolism slows down because of weight loss. 

Then there is the building phase. During the building phase you build your metabolism. Exercise and nutrition during the building phase is focused on areas that are compromised during the cutting phase. Exercise is focused on isolated muscle strengthening. This is where you shape and strengthen specific muscle and movement systems. Nutrition during the building phase is focused rebuilding the bodies systems. Repair focused nutrition will help increase healthy chemicals, hormones and muscle tissue in your body.  There are more calories included in the nutrition during the building phase, so weight loss is typically not experienced during this phase. While weight loss is not typically achieved during the building phase, when done right, extra weight gain will come in the form of muscle and metabolism.

In the graph below; the total body weight number is what is achieved at the end of the phase. The goal during the cutting phase is to loose maximum lbs of fat and minimal lbs of muscle. The goal during the building phase is to gain muscle and metabolism while gaining as little body fat as possible. When you cycle phases with the right intensity and duration, it looks something like this.  
Your true weight is really a weight range.  When phase work is executed properly, your normal weight range gradually drops to lower ranges and your percentage of body fat continually drops.

While proper phase work will help you get your leanest sexiest body ever, its real value  comes in by preventing injury and minimizing wear and tear. Stop spinning your wheels like the average Joe and train like a Pro with methodical planned phase work!

Love Jared

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 4 is the finish line. Finish Strong!

Family and Friends:
Any time you do a diet, it is like a mental exercise program. Mentally, you choose and commit. Once you have chosen how strict you are going to be on the nutrition plan, you exercise your will power and follow your commitment. This mental process happens many times in many different areas of our lives. Each time we exercise self control and will power, we deserve positive reinforcement. When you exercise these mental powers, your commitment has reached the next level. Those who reach and maintain their personal best fitness levels, are those consistently focused not only on clean nutrition but on will power as well. 

Week 4 is like the end of a great exercise routine or a great set. Push yourself! See how long you can follow your mind and be the master of your body, the controller of your weight.

Mental Mastery Tips:
The way I am personally successful during a strict week of nutrition is by planning on small personal rewards strategically placed in the plan.

Daily:  Clean your mouth as much as possible. Floss after breakfast and dinner, brush your teeth after each meal and chew mint gum in-between meals. This clean feeling will bring focus to your mind and kill your sugar cravings.

1 Have a small square of dark chocolate (77% coco) with 1 large teaspoon of almond butter. I bite the chocolate square in half and stick each piece in-between my cheeks and my teeth. Then take the spoon full of almond butter and stick it right on my tongue. This makes me almost choke on the almond butter. I end up swallowing and swallowing and by the time the I have swallowed all the way, the almond butter and the dark coco feel like I have eaten a full bar when in reality it is a great small cheat.

2 Give yourself a facial. This makes me feel clean and fresh and I am able to relax and enjoy some time not focusing on my hunger. The facial gives much more then just a clean feeling. Facials enhance circulation throughout the face and decrease your wrinkles. Great facials can relax muscles through your head and neck and enhance focus. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you act good. Take care of your face.

3 Get a pedicure: The feet are in connection with the whole body and a  gateway to health. By exfoliating and soaking them you can stimulate nerves through the spine as well as the body systems. This can bring tremendous relaxing feelings to you during a time when you need it.

4 Plan on getting a massage. Your massage does not need to be from a professional therapist, but could be from a loved one who is interested in your health. Some of my most healing massages come from my 2 year old son. His loving touch and desire to help me feel good is all I need to boost my emotional well being and help me stick to another clean day of nutrition.

Focus on ending strong! Next week you will have carbs back and your energy will be restored. Challenge your will power and be aware of your body’s reactions.

Live Long! Be Strong! Smile Forever!
                                                        Love, Your FitForever Family   

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 4 Nutrition Plan

Great job for those of you who have finished week 3! As you may have heard, week 4 is going to be more of a cleanse. This will likely be the week where we make the most headway in weight loss. Remember this week is not a lifestyle week, but rather a cleanse. You've made it this far, now enjoy the great results you'll be seeing this week! Remember to be strong and have a great support system as we finish off the final week of our Weight Loss Challenge! We love you!

Men's Week 4 Diet

Women's Week 4 Diet

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is Your Weight Loss Real?

Permanent Weight Loss VS Temporary Weight Loss

I’ll never forget one of FitForever’s most exciting weight loss challenges. During this challenge we had some challengers who were experiencing huge weight loss numbers. When the final numbers were in, I was blown away. 4 people in our challenge had lost 40 + pounds in 28 days. One challenger lost 48lbs, that is 1.7 lbs per day or in other words, a 5,950 calorie deficit daily. In intense exercise, a great 60 minute session would burn 1000 calories.  I never thought results like this were possible and while I was excited about the results I was nervous about the long term effect and rebounding of weight gain.

My nervousness was validated when in our next challenge, only 1 of our 40lb loser’s had kept weight off.  The harsh realization of true weight loss was on the table. Is weight loss when you loose weight only to gain it back again? Extreme fad diets that cause rapid weight loss, immediately to gain it back, is like a doctor who negligently prescribes an addictive medication with a million side effects.  Rapid weight loss plans typically sacrifice long-term health, your metabolism, and hormone regularity and leads to large weight gain. Once your metabolism and other body systems are compromised by extreme diets, weight gain is more rapid and weight loss is harder to achieve. When weight loss becomes harder to achieve you are more likely to participate again in an extreme diet.  This is referred to in the fitness industry as yo-yo dieting.  Yo-Yo dieting is where you go from extreme diet to no nutrition plan and then back to extreme diet again. This is coupled by rapid weight loss and rapid weight gain. Yo-Yo dieting is hard on your body and long term health. Our goal at FitForever is to create a reality that stays away from Yo-Yo dieting.

True weight loss can only happen when you find a new lifestyle that allows the weight loss to stay off or continue.

FitForevers 2012 Spring WLC nutrition plans are not focused on immediate weight loss but on true permanent weight loss. Week 1 ingredients and quantity are focused on long term health by:
  • Eliminating preservatives, gluten, trans fats, sugars and other toxins
  •  Building the heart and circulatory system
  •  Supporting hormone balance
  • Boosting the metabolism.

Weeks 2 & 3 are focused on lifestyle and quantity. Week 4 will be another shock to the body similar to week 1. Here is how your personal plan should develop after the challenge is over. Find meals, quantities and combinations from weeks 2 & 3 that you can do more permanently. Then every 3 or 4 weeks repeat 3 of your favorite days from week 1 or week 4 as a weight loss shock to the body.

Every time you follow a clean healthy nutrition plan you need to determine; are these lifestyle meals and snacks or shock meals and snacks? Health and nutrition is a life long development process. Be aware of how different foods make you feel and choose the foods that make you feel the best! If you choose your nutritional intake based on how it makes feel you, you will live long, you will be strong and you will laugh forever! We love you and are excited about your health.

Love Jared

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 3 Nutrition Plan

For those of you who have just finished week 2, congratulations! We hope you enjoyed it and found it easier to manage than week 1. Week 3 is another lifestyle diet. This means that the meals we eat this week are ones that we should be eating when we're not on an official "nutrition plan". Please, if you have any questions, concerns, allergies, etc. let your trainer know so we can make necessary modifications. We love you!

Week3 Mens Diet

Womens Week 3 Diet