1. Never, Never, Never Skip meals or snacks. To keep your body from going onto full blown starvation mode, make sure that you have some kind of nutrition coming into your body every 3-4 hours. I see a number of clients slow or halt their weight loss results by skipping meals or snacks. Don’t slow your success! Eat meals and snacks. If you are cutting calories to accelerate results, adjust your dinner. Never decrease vegetables as a form of calorie cutting.
2. Get your rest. You are deprived from calories and your body is working over time to turn fat into usable fuel. During this time, your body’s ability to recover and recuperate is impaired. To help your body repair, get extra sleep, lean protein with each meal and plenty of vegetables.
3. Understand your body and adapt. If you find your energy is low at a specific time in the day, then treat the problem the next day by consuming green tea, herba mate or other energy boosters 1 hour before your energy’s low. I personally start my day with a green tea, another cup in the mid morning, and again between lunch and dinner to decrease appetite.
4. Ensure flushing is happening. On a regular basis, it would be good to have 1-2 bowel movements per day. During weight loss, seek to ensure you are flushing completely by in taking a lot of water and make sure you get your chia drink. If this alone is not causing you to have more bowel movements then normal, try herbal laxative tea. I like Smooth Move or Get Regular.
5. Move fast and often. Look to keep your mind and body directed. Move often as possible and when you are moving, move fast. Lots of movement through out the day can cause you to burn as much calories as you would in a 1-hour intense work out. Keeping your body moving will keep your metabolism high.
Thanks for this tips! I like the green tea idea so I'll consume more during this challenge!