Weight Loss Thougths!
Your mind is powerful, much more powerful then you or I know
or understand. Thoughts affect your health. Every thought has a positive or
negative impact on your health. The stronger the intensity of the thought, the
larger that thought will impact you. The cumulative effect of your thoughts can
swing your health in one direction or the other.
Healthy thoughts are like great exercise. We should practice
them with regularity, necessary to make them habitual and efficient. Thinking
healthy thoughts does not always come natural. Those who have been exposed to healthy
thoughts, will have an easier time thinking that way. For those who have been
exposed to more negative thoughts, thinking healthy thoughts will be more
unnatural. Thinking healthy thoughts is and brain muscle that is developed with
experience and exposure just like other muscles in the body.
Love yourself enough to accept who you are and what your
mental muscles have been exposed to. Analyze your thoughts daily. Be your own best life coach. How do you analyze
your thoughts? You check the feelings that are associated with each thought.
When your thoughts cause positive feelings, it is probably a healthy thought. When
thoughts cause negative feelings, it is probably an unhealthy thought. Choose healthy and abandon the unhealthy. There are certain
thoughts that have proven weight loss effects.
Best 3 weight loss thoughts:
- Gratitude: Treat gratitude like vegetables, you should have 3-5 servings daily. That means 3-5 times a day, express gratitude, to yourself, to your loved ones, and to your maker. Dive into these gratitude thoughts, visualize what you are grateful for and bask in those feelings.
- Love: Treat love like protein, an essential need! Think of people you love, memories you love, and pets you love. Look to connect more strongly with those you love. Connect with your loved ones.
- Laughter: Treat laughter like healthy fruit. In the right consistent dose, this will keep you young. Look up funny videos on YouTube, watch funny videos and be quick to laugh.
If you want to look and feel your best, then take these mental
suggestions seriously. Strive to get the right amounts of gratitude, love and
laughter for 10 days straight. I guarantee if you do, you will see a healthier,
more fit you! Make healthy thoughts a daily habit.
Live Long, Be Strong,
Smile Forever
Love Your FitForever
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